Friday, July 5, 2013

A Word About Communicating in Canada

. . . What to Expect

From the Chesapeake on, the farther north we’ve traveled, the harder it’s been to call, send emails or post to the blog. It’s really frustrating. That’s likely to get worse in Canada.

We’ve caused some of that by clinging to our grandfathered-in Verizon unlimited data plan because we are data hogs. Snort. Snort. Verizon offers an International Add-on they’ll sell us IF we change plans. Once we’re back in the U.S., they’ll sell us a WiFi hot-spot IF we change plans. Even the Verizon reps we've talked to said that if it were their own phone, they wouldn't change from the unlimited data plan.

When we reach Canada, we’ll shut off our smart phones to prevent expensive roaming charges. We’ve read about alternatives and hope they work. Whether they do or not, we’ll definitely be using WiFi connections for the laptop at restaurants, marinas, wherever we can.

If you don’t hear from us for a while, please understand why.


  1. Great pictures and narrative, as usual. We sure are enjoying your journey from afar. Please keep posting when you can. I hope you've been getting The Private Ear and been able to keep up with what's happening around here. Had a little excitement, lately.

  2. Hi Kent and Jane - I've caught back up on your adventures after returning from Wisconsin. Sounds like things continue to go well for you. We have had nothing but RAIN, RAIN, RAIN here. I have emptied my rain gauge twice in the past few days because it was full to the top. All this bad weather makes sailing around here fairly difficult. We did try to have a fun event Friday evening, and managed to get part fo it in before rain once again descended on us. Six of us from PYC are off to the Flying Scot North Americans next week on Lake Norman. Wish us luck. Hope all continues to go well for you. Linda
